Using the Vercre API
The APIs are suitable for demonstration purposes but not yet intended for
production use!
The Vercre API comprises three top-level libraries that form the backbone of OpenID for Verifiable Credentials.
Issuer — based on the OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance specification, the vercre-issuer library provides an API for issuing Verifiable Credentials.
Verifier — based on the OpenID for VerifiablePresentations specification, the vercre-verifier library provides an API for requesting and presenting Verifiable Credentials.
Holder — the the vercre-holder library is built against both specifications and can be used to simplify interactions with the issuance and presentation APIs. A typical implementation of the holder library would be a credential wallet.
Design Axioms
While not critical to learning to use the API, the following design axioms might be of some interest in understanding the philosophy we adopted for the development of Vercre libraries.
Do not bake HTTP into the API
While the two core OpenID4VC
specifications define an HTTP-based API, we have chosen
not to bake HTTP into the libraries. This decision was made to allow for flexibility of
implementation by library users.
This could be as simple as selecting the most suitable HTTP libraries for the task or as complex as integrating with an existing application. It could even mean using the libraries in a non-HTTP context.
Embrace asynchronous Rust
The libraries are built using asynchronous Rust in order allow for efficient handling of I/O and maximum utility.
Be opinionated
Vercre libraries are opinionated in that they provide a specific way of doing things. Each endpoint accepts a strongly-typed Request object and returns a strongly-typed Response object. This is intended to make the libraries easy to use and reason about.
The Request and Response objects should readily serialize and deserialize to and from compliant JSON objects.