
While exposing and implementing endpoints may be relatively straightforward, the real work is in implementing providers.

Providers are a set of Rust traits that allow the library to outsource data persistence, secure signing, and callback functionality. Each provider requires the library user to implement a corresponding trait, as defined below.

See Vercre's example issuer providers for more detail.

Client Metadata

The ClientMetadata provider is responsible for managing the OAuth 2.0 Client — or Wallet — metadata on behalf of the library. The provider retrieves Client metadata as well as dynamic Client (Wallet) registration.

pub trait ClientMetadata: Send + Sync {
    fn metadata(&self, client_id: &str) -> impl Future<Output = Result<ClientMetadata>> + Send;

    fn register(
        &self, client_meta: &ClientMetadata,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<ClientMetadata>> + Send;

Issuer Metadata

The IssuerMetadata provider is responsible for making Credential Issuer metadata available to the issuer library. The library uses this metadata to determine the Issuer's capabilities as well as returning Credential metadata to the Wallet.

pub trait IssuerMetadata: Send + Sync {
    fn metadata(&self, issuer_id: &str) -> impl Future<Output = Result<IssuerMetadata>> + Send;

Server Metadata

The ServerMetadata provider is responsible for making OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server metadata available to the issuer library. As with Issuer metadata, the library uses this to determine capabilities of the Issuer.

pub trait ServerMetadata: Send + Sync {
    fn metadata(&self, server_id: &str) -> impl Future<Output = Result<ServerMetadata>> + Send;


The Subject provider is responsible for providing the issuer library with information about the Holder, or end-user the Credential is to be issued to. This information is used to:

  1. Determine whether the Holder is authorized to receive the requested Credential.
  2. Provide the information used to construct the issued Credential (including Credential claims).
pub trait Subject: Send + Sync {
    fn authorize(
        &self, subject_id: &str, credential_identifier: &str,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<bool>> + Send;

    fn claims(
        &self, subject_id: &str, credential: &CredentialDefinition,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Claims>> + Send;

State Manager

As its name implies, StateStore is responsible for temporarily storing and managing state on behalf of the library.

pub trait StateStore: Send + Sync {
    fn put(&self, key: &str, data: Vec<u8>, expiry: DateTime<Utc>,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send;

    fn get(&self, key: &str) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Vec<u8>>> + Send;

    fn purge(&self, key: &str) -> impl Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send;

Data Security

SecOps provides the library with functionality for signing, encrypting, verifying and decrypting data by implementing one of the supported signing and verification algorithms. Typically, implementers will use a key vault, secure enclave, or HSM to manage private keys used for signing.

Supported algorithms are defined in the Credential Issuer metadata.

pub trait SecOps: Send + Sync {
    fn signer(&self, identifier: &str) -> anyhow::Result<impl Signer>;

    fn verifier(&self, identifier: &str) -> anyhow::Result<impl Verifier>;

    fn encryptor(&self, identifier: &str) -> anyhow::Result<impl Encryptor>;

    fn decryptor(&self, identifier: &str) -> anyhow::Result<impl Decryptor>;


The Signer trait provides the library with signing functionality for Verifiable Credential issuance.

pub trait Signer: Send + Sync {
    fn algorithm(&self) -> Algorithm;

    fn verification_method(&self) -> String;

    fn sign(&self, msg: &[u8]) -> impl Future<Output = Vec<u8>> + Send {
        let v = async { self.try_sign(msg).await.expect("should sign") };

    fn try_sign(&self, msg: &[u8]) -> impl Future<Output = anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>>> + Send;


The Verifier trait provides the library with signing verification functionality for Verifiable Credential issuance.

pub trait Verifier: Send + Sync {
    fn deref_jwk(&self, did_url: &str)
        -> impl Future<Output = anyhow::Result<PublicKeyJwk>> + Send;


The Encryptor trait provides the library with encryption functionality for Verifiable Credential issuance.

pub trait Encryptor: Send + Sync {
    fn encrypt(
        &self, plaintext: &[u8], recipient_public_key: &[u8],
    ) -> impl Future<Output = anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>>> + Send;

    fn public_key(&self) -> Vec<u8>;


The Decryptor trait provides the library with decryption functionality for Verifiable Credential issuance.

pub trait Decryptor: Send + Sync {
    fn decrypt(
        &self, ciphertext: &[u8], sender_public_key: &[u8],
    ) -> impl Future<Output = anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>>> + Send;